Practicing on After Effects Some More + Aesthetic Search #2


I have been on Pinterest some more and came across some digital collages that seriously piqued my interest and got them gears turnin' again.

They are like retro, vintage colleges that use depth and perspective to make some super cool visuals. I was really inspired by these and thought that they could make a WICKED music video if I just added some movement and made them a part of a story. Wouldn't it be so cool to incorporate some of these crazy visuals with music?! 

This made me consider using this as a possible aesthetic for my Zoo Lion Video. I searched up some tutorials online but couldn't really find any concrete, step-by-step stuff. I did come across these though...

I really like the dimension and mixed-media-ness of the videos and think it could give my video an edgier, more creative look. It reminded me a little bit of the following videos (some of which I have discussed before)

I thought they were super cool AND they matched the genre of my song, so I got all excited and tried to reverse engineer a simple shot I saw in the first music video of the 4 above. [0:07-0:12]

 #1. I started out by removing the background of some mountain, cloud and meadow pictures

#2. I uploaded these pictures into After Effects and started color correcting the individual images to tint them pink since I wanted to create a pink, sunrise vibe like the one in my reference

#3. After some tweaking, layering, and keyframing I used what I learned animating the astronaut to make this:
(This only took me an hour!- I am getting faster :)

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