Costume- Creating a Lion Mask (Progress)


 As you know... I have decided to take the song literally and have my subject wear a lion costume when they are in the 'dream.' I have been hardcore STRESSING about what this will look like and how I can even make something like this. Thankfully my mom is A. a crafty genius and B. is a sculptor and 3D artist. With her help, I was able to start making the headpiece of the costume. I started out by drawing a rough sketch of what I would like it to look at:

My mom helped me search for some references and possible sources that could help us make the mask. We came across Jonni Good's paper mache website called Ultimate Paper Mache. I bought her lion pattern and decided I would rearrage the pieces to see if I could match her design.

1. I started out by printing and cutting out the patter pieces on normal A4 Paper. I am kind of a pro at cutting so this was easy :)

2. Afterwards, I glued the pieces down on some cardstok and cut the pieces out again with the sharpest siccors I could find. My hand was SO tired after.

3. Next, I used some masking tape to start giving it some 3D structure. THE PIECES WERE NOT MATCHING UP and I got really frustrated. The difficult part about paper projects is that if you don't do one part perfectly, the entire piece will start to fall apart.With some encouragement and multiple tries, I was able to get my mask to look like the instructions.

I then covered the piece in a substance called Celluclay- a type of papermache dough I had from some previous projects to give the project some durability and set it out to dry on a manikin so that it would maintain a 'head shape' as it dried. (It looks a lot better than this btw- the picture doesn't do it justice)

This is where I am in the process so far. I still have to give it a smooth layer, sand it, paint it with yeso, sand it again, and paint it. Ill update you when its done! 

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